소아 및 청소년에서 24시간 활동 혈압 측정의 임상적 유용성 |
황영주, 박효정, 양은애, 조민현, 고철우, 양동헌, 황현희 |
1경북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실 2경북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실 3경북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실 4경북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실 5경북대학교 의학전문대학원 소아과학교실 6경북대학교 의학전문대학원 내과학교실 7창원파티마병원 소아청소년과 |
Clinical Usefulness of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Children and Adolescents |
Young-Ju Hwang, Hyo-Jung Park, Eun-Ae Yang, Min-Hyun Cho, Cheol-Woo Ko, Dong-Heon Yang, Hyun-Hee Hwang |
1Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 2Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 3Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 4Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 5Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 6Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine 7Department of Pediatrics, Changwon Fatima Hospital |
Received: July 11, 2011; Accepted: August 31, 2011. |
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PURPOSE: With increasing prevalence of hypertension (HTN) in children and adolescent, pediatricians have become more interested in blood pressure (BP) measurements. The ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is known to be useful to differentiate true HTN and white coat HTN. The object of this study is to assess the clinical usefulness of ABPM in Korean children and adolescents. METHODS: A retrospective review of 51 patients in Kyungpook National University Hospital from January 2002 to February 2010 was done. All patients were 6-18 years old and underwent ABPM. We calculated the mean value of ABP, BP load, nocturnal dip and compared the results with the patients' diagnosis and characteristics. RESULTS: The mean age of the 51 patients was 17.8+/-1.8 years and 19 children were obese. 37 patients (72.5%) were truly hypertensive and 1 patient was diagnosed as masked HTN and 7 children (14%) as white coat HTN. The rest of the patients were normotensive. Among patients with white coat HTN, 5 were in a prehypertensive state. Mean systolic and diastolic BP load of patients with true HTN were significantly higher than non-hypertensive children (P<0.001). Although the nocturnal dip of all patients were below 10%, there was no statistical significance. The obese patients showed higher systolic and diastolic BP. Their systolic and diastolic BP load were significantly higher than non-obese patients (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: ABPM in children and adolescents seems to be a valuable tool in the assessment of white coat HTN and in the confirmation of true HTN. A considerable number of white coat HTN patients are revealed to be in a prehypertensive state and need close follow-up. |
Key words:
Hypertension | Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring | Children |