J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol > Volume 14(2); 2010 > Article
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2010;14(2): 184-194. doi: https://doi.org/10.3339/jkspn.2010.14.2.184
선천성 수신증 환자군과 첫 발열성 요로감염으로 진단 시 발견된 수신증 환자군에서 임상적 특징에 따른 발열성 요로감염의 발생률
김근정, 이선경, 이준호
1차의과대학교 분당차병원 소아청소년과
2차의과대학교 분당차병원 소아청소년과
3차의과대학교 분당차병원 소아청소년과
Incidence of Febrile Urinary Tract Infection According to Clinical Characteristics in Patients with Congenital Hydronephrosis and Hydronephrotic Patients Diagnosed at First Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Geun-Jung Kim, Seon-Kyeong Rhie, Jun-Ho Lee
1Department of Pediatrics, CHA University, CHA Bundang Medical Center
2Department of Pediatrics, CHA University, CHA Bundang Medical Center
3Department of Pediatrics, CHA University, CHA Bundang Medical Center
Received: September 6, 2010;  Revised: October 7, 2010.  Accepted: October 16, 2010.
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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of febrile urinary tract infection (UTI) according to clinical characteristics in patients with congenital hydronephrosis (CH) and hydronephrotic patients first diagnosed with hydronephrosis during treatment of febrile UTII. METHODS: In this study, 200 patients with congenital hydronephrosis were enrolled in group 1 and 252 patients first diagnosed with hydronephrosis during treatment of febrile UTI were enrolled in group 2. We counted the episodes of UTI in the two groups according to clinical characteristics, the presence of VUR, type of feeding, and clinical outcomes since 2000. And we compared those results between the two groups. and compared two groups as well. RESULTS: The incidence of recurrent UTI was 10%, 0.028 per person-year in group 1 and 16.7%, 0.051 per person-year in group 2, respectively (P <0.05). Group 2 had more VUR (3% vs. 27%, P <0.05) and higher incidence of UTI than group 1. The incidence of UTI in patients with CH of Society of Fetal Urology (SFU) grade 4 or grade 4-5 VUR was 80% and 44.4%, respectively. No significant differences were found in incidence of UTI between BMF (breast milk feeding) and artificial milk feeding group in both groups (P 1= 0.274, P 2=0.4). The time of resolution of CH had no correlation with either number of UTI episodes or the presence of VUR. CONCLUSION: The overall incidence of UTI is low in patients with CH as well as patients patients first diagnosed with hydronephrosis during treatment of febrile UTI except patients with SFU grade 4 or grade 4-5 VUR. BMF has no protective effect against UTI.
Key words: Congenital hydronephrosis | Urinary tract infection | Vesicoureteral reflux | Breast milk feeding
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