J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol > Volume 14(2); 2010 > Article
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2010;14(2): 166-173. doi: https://doi.org/10.3339/jkspn.2010.14.2.166
소아 복막투석환자에서 혈관내피성장인자 유전자 다형성이 복막의 용질이동성에 미치는 영향
최현진, 백경훈, 조희연, 강희경, 정해일, 최용, 하일수
1서울대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실
2성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 소아청소년과
3질병관리본부 예방접종관리과
4서울대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과
5서울대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과
6인제대학교 해운대 백병원 소아청소년과
7서울대학교 어린이병원 소아청소년과
Influence of VEGF Genetic Polymorphism on Peritoneal Solute Transport in Pediatric Dialysis Patients
Hyun-Jin Choi, Kyung-Hoon Paik, Hee-Yeon Cho, Hee-Kyung Kang, Hae-Il Cheong, Yong Choi, Il-Soo Ha
1Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
2Department of Pediatrics, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
3Division of Vaccine Preventable Disease Control and National Immunization Program
4Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital
5Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital
6Department of Pediatrics, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital
7Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Children's Hospital
Received: September 20, 2010;  Revised: October 4, 2010.  Accepted: October 9, 2010.
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PURPOSE: Genetic and clinical factors can influence the permeability of the peritoneal membrane. The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) is helpful in measuring peritoneal permeability in peritoneal dialysis (PD). We investigated the influence of genetic polymorphism of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on the PET parameters. METHODS: Pediatric patients who underwent PET within 12 months of initiating PD at Seoul National University Children's Hospital and Samsung Medical Center were selected. The patients with positive history of peritonitis before PET were excluded. The VEGF -2578C/A, -14978T/C, -1154G/A, -634G/C, and +936C/T single-nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped. RESULTS: The mean 4-hour dialysate-to-plasma ratio for creatinine (D/P creatinine) and the mean 4-hour dialysate glucose to baseline dialysate glucose ratio (D/D0 glucose) were 0.56+/-0.13 and 0.43+/-0.11, respectively. The patients with haplotype CTGGC showed higher 4-hour D/P creatinine (0.67+/-0.12 vs 0.50+/-0.09, P=0.007) and lower 4-hour D/D0 glucose (0.35+/-0.12 vs 0.47+/-0.08, P=0.037) than those without haplotype CTGGC. CONCLUSION: The VEGF genetic polymorphism may influence the peritoneal solute transport.
Key words: Peritoneal equilibration test | Vascular endothelial growth factor | Single nucleotide polymorphism | Peritoneal dialysis
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