병력취득 설문지를 이용한 야뇨증의 형태에 따른 임상양상의 비교 |
최정연, 박용훈 |
1영남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 2영남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Comparison of Clinical Characteristics by Types of Enuresis in Children Utilizing Questionnaires |
Jung-Youn Choi, Yong-Hoon Park |
1Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University College of Medicine 2Department of Pediatrics, Yeungnam University College of Medicine |
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PURPOSE: It is important to take a precise history of patients to diagnose enuresis. However, this is difficult to perform in the outpatient department, because the consultation time is limited. So by taking the medical histories with questionnaires, we classified the enuresis patients into monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic groups and compared the clinical characteristics between the two groups in order to determine whether this would aid in the diagnosis and treatment of enuresis. METHODS: Thirty-four enuresis patients seen in the Department of Pediatrics at Yeungnam University Hospital from 2004 January to 2005 July were enrolled in this study. Two to three weeks before starting medical treatment, questionnaires about the patients' urination habits and past medical history were taken from the parents with consents. RESULTS: There were 21 patients in the monosymptomatic group and 13 patients in the non-monosymptomatic group. There was no difference in the delivery mode, birth weight, birth order, sleep habit, constipation, and treatment results between the two groups. Urinary infection was more frequently observed in the non-monosymptomatic group. There was a higher incidence of daytime incontinence and a past medical history of allergy in the non- monosymptomatic group. Oriental medicine was the most common treatment of enuresis before visiting the hospital, but the treatment effect was minimal. CONCLUSION: Comparison between the monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic group with the questionnaires was helpful for detailed diagnosis and treatment of enuresis. A more effective education for enuresis patients is needed, since before visiting the hospital many of them wasted their efforts with ineffective oriental medicine treatment. |
Key words:
Enuresis | Questionnaire | Diagnosis |