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Volume 3(1); May 1999
Primary nephrotic syndrome in children : A nationwide survey in Korea
Bytung-Soo Cho, Hyeon-Ho Kang
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):1-10.
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Comparison of Adolescent Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome with Childhood Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome
Chung-Yun Choi, Ji-Hong Kim, Pyung-Kil Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):11-19.
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Effects of Repeated Immobilization Stress on the Renal Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor in Rats
Yong Hoon Park, Han Ku Moon, Son Moon Shin, Eun Ju Lee, Eun Sil Lee, Jeoung-Hee Ha
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):20-26.
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Serum and Urinary Levels of Soluble Interleukin-2 receptor in Childhood Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Il-Soo Ha, Hae-Il Hae Il Cheong, Yong Choi
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):27-34.
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The Effect of α-Tocopherol in Puromycin Aminonucleoside Induced Nephropathy in Rats
Hyung Ho Seo, Tae Sung Jung, Eun Sil Lee, Son Moon Shin, Yong Hoon Park, Yong Jin Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):35-41.
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Effect of ACE Inhibitor on Nephrotic Proteinuria in the Children
Eun-Hye Park, Ji-Hong Kim, Pyung-Kil Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(1):42-47.
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Cyclosporine A (Cipol-N®) Therapy in Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
Ihn Hee Hong, Cheol Woo Ko, Ja Hoon Koo, Ji-Hong Kim, Pyung-Kil Kim, Byoung Soo Cho
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):48-56.
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A study of Diagnostic Significance of Simultaneous Examination of Proteinuria and Hematuria in the Urinary Mass Screening
Young-Kyoun Kim, Chong-Guk Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):57-63.
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Effects of Dietary Protein on the Progression of Early Chronic Renal Failure in Subtotally Nephrectomizid Rats
Kyo-Sun Kim, Kee-Hyuk Kim, Sang-Yun Kim, Yong-Joo Kang, Won-Jae Maeng
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):64-71.
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Significance of Random Urine β2-Microglobulin as a Marker for Vesico-ureteral Reflux in Children with Urinary Tract Infection
Ji-Hong Kim, Pyung-Kil Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):72-79.
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The Basic Data Analysis of Lupus Nephritis in Children
Jae Hong Min, Kyung Hoon Paek, Kyung Mi Park, Jung Sue Kim, Il Soo Ha, Hae Il Cheong, Joong Gon Kim, Yong Choi
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):80-87.
View: 2167   Download: 10
Congenital Anomaly of Urinary Tract in Children
Weon Hye Shin, Cheol Woo Ko, Ja Hoon Koo, Sung Kwang Chung
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(1):88-94.
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A case of Crescentic Glomerulonephritis Superimposed on Membranous Glomerulonephropathy
Baek-Nam Kim, Jin-Won Yook, Ji-Hong Kim, Pyung-Kil Kim, Hyeun-Joo Jung
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(1):95-99.
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A Case of Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Se Eun Kim, Young Sim Han, Min Seop Song, Woo Yeong Chung
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(1):100-103.
View: 2304   Download: 13
A Case of Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Associated with Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection
Soo-Ja Hwang, Eun-Sun You, Seung-Joo Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;3(1):104-108.
View: 2140   Download: 4

Kidney Diseases

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Online ISSN: 2384-0250

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