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A Case of Neurofibromatosis with Invasion of Bladder
Mi-Kyung Kim, Cheol Park, Min-Sang Kim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;16(1):68-71.   Published online April 30, 2012
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Acute Kidney Injury Accompanied by Acute Pyelonephritis and Renal Abscess in a Child with Vesicoureteral Reflux
Cheol Park, Min-Sang Kim, Mi-Kyung Kim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;16(1):63-67.   Published online April 30, 2012
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Clinical Significance of Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase Producing Escherichia coli in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Cheol Park, Min-Sang Kim, Mi-Kyung Kim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2012;16(1):38-45.   Published online April 30, 2012
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A Case of Imperforate Hymen with Acute Urinary Retention
Lim Choi, Sea-Eun Cho, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2011;15(1):86-89.   Published online April 30, 2011
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Clinical Significance of Pyuria in Pediatric Patients with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Lim Choi, Sea-Eun Cho, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2011;15(1):66-75.   Published online April 30, 2011
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Clinical Significance of Electrolyte Imbalance in Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection
Sea-Eun Cho, Lim Choi, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2011;15(1):58-65.   Published online April 30, 2011
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Nutcracker Syndrome in Siblings
Na-Ra Lee, Jung-Min Oh, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;14(2):240-245.   Published online October 31, 2010
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Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis with Renal Failure Complicated by Typhoid Fever
Jung-Min Oh, Na-Ra Lee, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Woon-Yong Jeong, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;14(2):236-239.   Published online October 31, 2010
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Clinical Significance of Hydronephrosis in Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Jung-Min Oh, Na-Ra Lee, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;14(1):71-78.   Published online April 30, 2010
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Difference of Anxiety of Parents: before & after the VCUG
Na-Ra Lee, Jung-Min Oh, Hyung-Eun Yim, Jae-Won Yang, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2010;14(1):62-70.   Published online April 30, 2010
View: 3043   Download: 21
A Case of Acute Renal Failure due to Rhabdomyolysis Associated with Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Kyu-Hee Park, Seong-Kwan Jung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;13(2):267-270.
View: 3712   Download: 21  Citation: 1
Clinical Significance of Bicarbonate Gap in Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis
Kyu-Hee Park, Seong-Kwan Jung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;13(2):235-241.
View: 3492   Download: 25
The Relationship between Thymic Size and Vesicoureteral Reflux in Infants with Febrile Urinary Tract Infection
Seong-Kwan Jung, Kyu-Hee Park, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;13(2):215-221.
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Current Status of Children on Peritoneal Dialysis in Korea: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study
Ji-Seok Youn, Joo-Hoon Lee, Young-Seo Park, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kyung-Hoon Paik, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Il-Soo Ha, Hae-Il Cheong, Yong Choi
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;13(2):176-188.
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A Case of Type I Vitamin D-dependent Rickets with Unilateral Aplasia of Kidney
Dong-Hee Lim, Ji-In Jung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Baik-Lin Eun, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;12(1):111-115.
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Membranous Nephropathy Associated with Epstein-Barr Virus Infection in a Child
Eun-Hee Lee, Dong-Hee Lim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Nam-Hee Won, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;12(1):88-92.
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Fever Duration and Renal Scar in Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection
Ji-In Jung, Dong-Hee Lim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Man-Sik Park, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;12(1):70-77.
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The Investigation of Current Information Regarding Renal Diseases in Mass Media
Dong-Hee Lim, Ji-In Jung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Baik-Lin Eun, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;12(1):47-53.
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Severe Nephritic-nephrotic Syndrome with Small Bowel Perforation in a Child with Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Gun-Ha Kim, Hye-Kyung Shin, Hyung-Eun Yim, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Nam-Hee Won, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2007;11(1):106-111.
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A Case of Cockayne Syndrome with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Hye-Kyung Shin, Gun-Ha Kim, Hyung-Eun Yim, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Nam-Hee Won, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2007;11(1):100-105.
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Changes in Urinary Nitric Oxide in Pediatric Renal Diseases
Jong-Hwa Kim, Ji-In Jung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2007;11(1):24-31.
View: 2585   Download: 7
The Characteristics of Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis I Detected from School Urine Screening
Jung-Youn Choi, Mi-Young Park, Yong-Jik Lee, Il-Soo Ha, Hae-Il Cheong, Yong Choi, Young-Seo Park, Hye-Won Han, Dong-Kyu Jin, Woo-Yeong Chung, Kee-Hyuck Kim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Yong-Hoon Park
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2006;10(2):152-161.
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Osteopontin and Developing Kidney
Hyung-Eun Yim, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2006;10(1):1-7.
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Efficacy and Safety during the Combination Therapy of Imipramine and Desmopressin in Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis
Ji-Hyun Yeo, Jung-Youn Choi, Hyo-Seok Chung, Kyung-Soo Lee, Cheol-Woo Ko, Kyo-Sun Kim, Kee-Hyuk Kim, Jung-Soe Kim, Mee-Kyung NamGoong, Young-Seo Park, Ki-Soo Pai, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Yong-Hoon Park
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2004;8(2):129-137.
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A Case of Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome
Min-Jee Jeoung, Hyung-Eun Yim, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Soon-Kyum Kim, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2004;8(1):57-62.
View: 2406   Download: 8
Alport Syndrome Associated with Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis in Brothers
Hye-Kyoung Shin, Ji-Hee Kim, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Soon-Kyum Kim, Nam-Hee Won, Hae-Il Cheong, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2003;7(1):67-72.
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A Case of Joubert Syndrome Associated with Nephrocalcinosis and Agenesis of Cerebellar Vermis
Ji-Hee Kim, Hye-Kyung Shin, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Soon-Kyum Kim, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2002;6(2):266-271.
View: 2670   Download: 12
Urine Specific Gravity as a Useful Tool for Screening Proteinuria in Children
Jong-Hwa Kim, Kee-Hwan Yoo, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Soon-Kyum Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;4(1):1-5.
View: 2905   Download: 27
A Case of McCune-Albright Syndrome with Vitamin D Resistant Rickets
Hee Kang, Jeong-Hoon Choe, Young-Sook Hong, Joo-Won Lee, Soon-Kyum Kim, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(2):237-240.
View: 2620   Download: 7
Combined Primary IgA nephropathy and Membranous Glomerulonephritis in a Child
Mi-Kyung Kim, Jeong-Hoon Choi, Nam-Hee Won, Kee-Hwan Yoo
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;3(2):232-236.
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Kidney Diseases

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