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Intravenous Iron Supplementation in Korean Children on Chronic Dialysis
Hee-Yeon Cho, Hye-Won Hahn, Il-Soo Ha, Hae-Il Cheong, Yong Choi
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;13(2):197-206.
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Analysis of Factors Affecting Height Growth After Renal Transplantation in Children
Joo Hoon Lee, Byong Sop Lee, Hee-Gyung Kang, Hyewon Hahn, Jun Ho Lee, Il Soo Ha, Hae Il Cheong, Yong Choi, Sang Joon Kim
J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol. ;4(1):84-91.
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Kidney Diseases

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Online ISSN: 2384-0250

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